January 2023

1/1 - A New and Living Way
Too many Christians flounder and get discouraged because they try to face the world on their own. Paul admonishes to "pray without ceasing." That can be difficult at times in our fast-paced world. And although we should make time for quiet prayer, we offer some "two-word" prayers which can help us in some of those frantic and tense moments we often encounter.
1/8 - God is Love
The scriptures assert that God is love. Thus, God defines love. So if we want to learn what love is, we need to observe how God has interacted with people through the years. His love is multi-faceted and may surprise us in whom He loves and what God will do for those He loves.
1/15 - I Am
Today's world, rooted in progressivism, is characterized by uncertainty as people do not believe in absolutes. So people focus their lives on just about anything from social justice to patriotism. None of these things fulfill the soul's deepest longings and offer an unstable, ever-changing, environment. Only one "thing" is a sure foundation for life, the One who calls Himself the "I AM."
1/22 - Of Broomsticks and Flashlights
When the woman in the parable lost one of her ten coins, she lit a lamp and swept the floor until she found it. Then she called friends and neighbors to rejoice with her because she had found her coin. In the same way, angels rejoice when a sinner repents and returns to God. Just how diligent are we at "sweeping our floors" and how thrilled are we to rejoice with angels?
1/29 - The Gospel of the Kingdom ...
When the woman in the parable lost one of her ten coins, she lit a lamp and swept the floor until she found it. Then she called friends and neighbors to rejoice with her because she had found her coin. In the same way, angels rejoice when a sinner repents and returns to God. Just how diligent are we at "sweeping our floors" and how thrilled are we to rejoice with angels?