July 2020

7/26 - "Nothing"
Christians are engaged in the greatest war and the longest war ever fought. It is also the war with the most at stake - ETERNITY! It should be our pledge to one another, as it is with our armed forces, that no one should be left behind. Do we have this kind of love and concern for one another? Are we fighting to win?!
7/19 - Is Satan Laughing?
John teaches that if we want to say that we know Jesus, then we need to keep His commandments and walk as He walked. This is more than just lifestyle choice and doing good deeds. This is also about purpose for living and the blessedness which comes from being a part of something bigger than yourself - namely doing the will of God on earth.
7/12 - The Alpha and the Omega
Minister Jeff Kent presents his sermon "The Alpha and the Omega" to the congregation.
7/5 - Racism, Prejudice and the Like
Minister Jeff Kent presents his sermon "Racism, Prejudice and the Like" to the congregation.