October 2021

10/24 - Refocus and Revive
Scripture teaches us that in various situations God's people need revival. This was true of Israel, but the New Testament has words of revival for the church of God as well. In coming out of the situation with COVID-19, we have opportunity to refocus on doing the will of God. Let us make honest evaluation and be guided by His word in what we should be doing. May the Lord revive us in His ways!
10/17 - In The Wilderness
Jesus faced off with the devil in the wilderness. Satan tempted Him through His human weaknesses and even tried to separate the Son from His Father. But Jesus would have none of it. He beat the devil. We can learn from Jesus about how to beat the devil when we are in a spiritual wilderness.
10/10 - Three Difficult Words
It has been said that it is difficult for some men to say "I love you." Now he might say that to his dog or his truck, but he has trouble saying it to his wife! Some words are difficult for us to say because they reveal our hearts and bind on us some action we must take. However, if we want our relationships to improve and if we want to be pleasing to God, we need to speak certain words which can be difficult to say.
10/3 - The Message of the Cross
The cross is the centerpiece of the gospel. We see its symbol everywhere. Other than Jesus Himself, the cross is the focus of the Christian faith. But what does it mean? What is the message of the cross? It might surprise you.