Sunday, September 15, has been designated by “the powers that be” as Back to Church Sunday. We certainly agree that many people have wandered away from the Lord and failed to assemble regularly with the saints. The pandemic in 2020-21 seemed to throw a lot of people off track, and they have never returned. Other things, also, are always pulling people away: jobs, kids, entertainment, schedules, etc. Add to this the fact that many who professed Christ never really grew very much, and their faith just withered on the vine.
Back to church is a good rallying cry, but it needs to be coupled with this one: back to Christ! The church is, as we know, the body of Christ. You can’t have the church without Christ, nor can you have Christ without the church. Some professing Christians just want a nice little church service on Sunday morning to kind of make them feel good about themselves. You know, nothing too serious or too challenging, or anything which will upset their current lifestyle. People today tend to forget that when people in the first and second centuries became Christians they were knowingly opening themselves up to the good possibility of torture and death for the Holy Name.
Back to church and back to Christ both also mean back to the Bible. After all, the Bible is the Word of God without which we would know nothing of either Christ or His church. The church, Christ, and the Bible go hand in hand. They are inseparable.
> With that being said, let’s take advantage of Back to Church Sunday on September 15. If you have family or friends whom you’ve not seen in church for some time, get in touch. Phone call, note, even a text. It’s a “relaxed” approach. “It’s ‘back to church Sunday’, Why don’t you come?” Pray, give it a try, and see what God does.
“The inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, ‘Let us continue to go and pray before the Lord, and seek the Lord of hosts. I myself will go also.’”
><> Jeff