Though closely related, belief and faith are not the same. Belief is a component of faith (Hebrews 11:6) and therefore always precedes it. There can be belief without faith, but never faith without belief because faith acts on what it believes.
Let’s take this example. You have a friend who “swears by” a certain vitamin or health supplement of some kind. (We see such products advertised with testimonials all the time.) She says that this product gives her more energy, keeps her healthier and generally she just feels better. Since you’ve been feeling somewhat listless for a while, she recommends you try it. Do you believe your friend? You know she’s not a person who would lie to you. You may believe your friend that this product is working for her, but will you try it? Do you have enough faith in your friend and in this supplement to use it yourself? That is the difference.
In John 12:42-43, we have the situation in which many of the rulers of the Jews actually believed in Jesus. However, their belief never translated into faith because they would not openly confess Him. They feared being put out of the synagogue, loving “the approval of men rather than the approval of God.”
Many of us have had occasion to talk with a Christian who has fallen out of service to the Lord and returned to the ways of the world. One of the first things which such folks often say is something like: “But I still believe in God.” Now, that is good that they do believe in God and in Christ - but that belief isn’t faith when it hasn’t moved them to obeying the voice of their Shepherd.
James speaks directly to our subject. He notes that some argue they believe in one God or that God is one. James says that such belief is good, but he then points out that demons also believe in God and shudder because they know that their belief will not prevent their future fate. He calls him a “foolish fellow” who does not see that “faith without works is useless” since it is a “dead” faith.
Belief is good. Belief is a must. But belief that goes into action becomes the faith that moves mountains and is pleasing to God.
><> Jeff