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  • Writer's pictureRick Zumpano

Christmas Joy Boxes

Last year, many of you in the congregation participated in the Hope for Haiti’s Children Christmas “Joy Boxes” project. We packed ten boxes with toys, hygiene items and various incidentals and sent them on for the orphans and other children attending the HFHC schools. Here is a note from the staff of HFHC about last year:

“It was more than we could ask for or imagine! Last year, amidst a pandemic and churches being unable to meet in person everyone STILL packed and sent over 3,000 Joy Boxes! That was enough for every child in all 10 schools to receive one! Participants went the extra mile and the children, who were facing even more hardship than normal in 2020, were reminded that God loves them and that they are not forgotten. Thank you!”

Lord willing, this year we are planning to pack and ship twelve (12) Joy Boxes for these children. We already have their names and photographs. Five of the children are under the age of 5, and 7 are teenagers. We have received a list of the suggested items for each age group which will be available on the table in the front of the auditorium by next week along with a sign-up sheet if you wish to select certain items that you will purchase. If you would like to participate in this program this year, but are unable to personally shop for any of the items requested, you may give a donation to Shirley or Elisabeth, and it will be used to purchase items for the boxes.

The deadline for bringing in the items is September 26. This is in order to double check that we are in compliance with the directions from the Joy Box Coordinator, to package the boxes, and to send them on so HFHC has sufficient time to get them to Haiti.

James reminds us about supporting orphans, and other scriptures speak of helping those in need. Let’s all pitch in this year to help out these kids.

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