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  • Writer's pictureJeff Kent


            The story is told (supposedly true) of a World Series game in the 1950's when the Braves were playing the Yankees.  The very talkative Yogi Berra was catching, and slugger Hank Aaron came up to bat.  In his inimitable style, Yogi tried to distract Hank with his chatter.  “You’re not holding the bat correctly,” he chirped.  “You have to hold it so you can read the label.”  Aaron answered not a word and promptly deposited the next pitch over the fence for a home run.  After rounding the bases and crossing home plate, Hank finally answered, “I didn’t come up here to read.”

            Distractions can cause anything from minor inconvenience to terrible loss and everything in between.  Who has not been talking and been interrupted by someone else (distracted) and then forgot what you were about to say?  How many college students have “flunked out” because they got distracted by all the fun and extracurricular activities available on campus?  How many vehicle accidents have occurred in which someone was texting or talking on their cell phone while driving?  How many marriages have been ruined because someone was charmed by a cute smile or attractive body.

            The scriptures are filled with warnings for God’s people not to get distracted by the things of the world and be led away from their devotion to Christ and the service to which He calls them.  Even such important and necessary things as making a living, getting an education or rearing children can become such a focus in one’s life that they distract from the One whom we are called to love - the One who actually blesses us in all of these endeavors.

            Paul warns the Christians in Ephesus to “be careful how you walk,” and to be wise and make the most of your time.  He notes that the days are evil - meaning there will be obstacles and distractions, but we must remain focused on the will of the Lord.

            The devil is a master at diversions and distractions.  His temptations are numerous and his frontal assaults are powerful.  Be aware of his devices and weapons, and don’t become distracted.

            Hit the home run!

                                                            ><>  Jeff

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