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  • Writer's pictureJeff Kent

Every Day is a Gift

            One of the greatest mistakes we humans make is to presume our own existence.  It is a dangerous practice simply to assume you will get up tomorrow morning.  Life is not guaranteed.  Tomorrow is not automatic.  Every day is a gift - from God!

            The Psalmist acknowledged this fact: “This is the day which the Lord has made...”  Within the context of those words, he was looking forward to a particular day, the one in which the Christ would be established as the cornerstone of the kingdom of heaven.  But the principle holds true for every day.  Time and life are in the hands of God.  The Hebrew author (1:3) writes that the Son: “upholds all things by the word of His power...”

            As one grows older in years, approaching or even surpassing our “threescore and ten,” these truths become more evident and more personal.  When there are aches and pains, the effects of various health conditions, even emotional weariness - every day is truly a blessing.  Every good day is a great blessing - a gift from our Father.

            What shall we do with these gifts from God?  Whether twenty-five or seventy-five, how do we use this gift of life and time which has been placed into our hands?  It is cause for serious reflection.

            Shall we fritter our lives away in mind-numbing pursuits?  Will we drown ourselves in video games, TV programs, movies, endless interaction on social media and internet browsing?  Will we simply amuse ourselves to death with the next holiday, the next sports championship, the next sale, the next vacation, the next birthday, the next road trip, the next live-stream, the next weekend...?

            Most of these things in moderation are OK, but they can become narcotic.  They are addictive.  And we are made for nobler things.  We were made for things which bring blessedness to both giver and receiver - for a word of encouragement (even a text?), a prayer, a helping hand, a hug, a smile, a card, a visit, a word of hope, a cup of coffee, a gentle reminder, a meal, a token of love, a word of good news about a loving Lord...we were made for nobler things.

            God has given you today.  What will you do?

                                                            ><>  Jeff

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