To help us cope better in the new year, here’s another installment of the sayings and quotes I’ve collected. Read, reflect, enjoy, and put them to use.
> “Spend” the afternoon. You can’t take it with you.
– Annie Dillard
> Let your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears.
> The one who says it can’t be done should get out of the way of the one who is doing it.
– Chinese proverb
> I am not as good as I should be.
I am not as good as I could be.
But thank God I’m better than I used to be!
> There is no defense for love.
> ...becoming children of God in the fullest sense makes us who we truly are. It doesn’t make us into something different.
– Michael Lloyd
> I joined the new “Don’t Worry” club,
And now I hold my breath.
I’m so afraid I’ll worry,
I’m worried half to death!
> Just because you believe it doesn’t mean it’s true.
> It may well be that the deepest form of prayer begins when we run out of things to say.
-- Darryl Tippens
><> Jeff