We hear sermons and read articles that the cross was not the end of Jesus. Jesus’
adversaries among the Jewish religious rulers thought they had dealt decisively
with this trouble maker. Pilate was just thankful to be rid of a potential disruptor
of the peace. The devil danced with pompous glee. But the first day of the week
dawned with the tomb empty - Jesus was alive again! Victory was His!
Yet, the cross was the end of many things. Lest we forget, the victory was won at
the cross. The empty tomb was the proof.
At the cross, Jesus brought an end to sin. Yes, I know that we all still sin, but
Jesus had broken the power of sin. As the “last Adam,” Jesus lived a life without
sin, rendering to God what no human being had ever done before - perfect
obedience. Thus, He could become the propitiation, the sacrifice, the Lamb of
God on the cross to take away the sin of the world. Now, in and through the blood
of Christ, people can be forgiven of all their sins and be brought into a right
relationship with God. Through faith, repentance and baptism into Christ, this is
now possible (Romans 6:1-11).
The cross was the end of law as the standard for determining our eternal destiny.
Jesus had kept God’s law perfectly and so overcame sin. Now in Him, we have
His righteousness (perfection) and stand justified before God. Our task is to listen
to His word and follow Him with complete devotion.
The cross was also the end of death. Yes, I know that everybody still dies, but
Jesus had broken the power of death and had returned from Hades (Revelation
1:17-18). His promise to all mankind is that in Him you can live again, and in fact
have life eternal! It is His gift to us.
The cross was the end of the devil’s reign on earth. Yes, he’s still our there setting
traps and sniping at us, but he’s been whipped. Jesus now has all authority over all
things. He is Lord and King.
Through the cross, Jesus gained victory over all things which were in opposition
to humanity. Thank you, Jesus, for your cross!