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  • Writer's pictureJeff Kent

Your Biggest Problem?

Mark 8:34-38

            What is your biggest problem?  Such a question will, no doubt, elicit a host of responses.  You might say, “I’ve got all kinds of problems!”  But when you read that, what came to your mind?

            Perhaps you thought money.  If you only had a little more income to take care of those couple of large bills, then things would be a lot better.  You could breathe easier and have a clearer mind for serving in the kingdom.

            Perhaps you thought health.  You have a chronic condition, maybe very serious.  If this were only cleared up or alleviated to some extent, you’d feel better and feel more like doing things for the Lord.

            Perhaps you thought of your marriage.  You know it isn’t what the Lord wants it to be.  You and your spouse are often at odds and have grown to be somewhat distant.  If your relationship were just improved, then it would be a real load off of your shoulders.

            Perhaps you thought of any number of other things: your current employment situation, your addiction (which you are hiding from everyone), family troubles with children, older age related infirmities, questions about retirement, your no-growth discipleship ... the list is varied and near endless.

            Each of these situations is troublesome and needs to be handled in a prudent way according to the teachings of our Lord.  But none of them are ever your biggest problem.  Your biggest problem - is you! 

            Jesus said that if a person wanted to become His disciple he must “deny himself.”  This means that I am the main thing which keeps getting between me and my following Jesus.  You see, I am the one who makes decisions for me; I am the one who deals with my temptations; I am the one who handles my problems; I am the one who decides what I do with my time; I am the one who rationalizes and makes excuses; I am the one who chooses how to respond to others and to God.  And, of course, I don’t always do it right.

            So how do I handle my biggest problem?  What did Jesus say?  “Deny yourself and take up your cross.”   Listen to Him and do things His way.  It’s a tough assignment, but it can be done - with His help.

                                                            ><>  Jeff

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