Luke 15:7, 10
In Luke 15 Jesus tells us a parable about a lost sheep and one about a lost coin. The lesson to be learned from each one of these parables is about the joy in heaven over “one sinner who repents.” What do you make of that? Isn’t there enough rejoicing in heaven already with everyone being in the presence of God and away from all
the evil and trouble? What could be better than that?
These two parables teach us an even deeper truth: heaven is vitally interested in what happens on the earth. Heaven is vitally interested in what happens on the earth in this warfare between good and evil. Heaven is vitally interested in what happens on the earth with the salvation of one individual human being! What do you make of that?
This should give us pause to consider the importance of every person who is alive on this planet. To reflect on the commandment of our Lord to go make disciples of all the nations. To take more seriously the teachings of eternal life and eternal destruction. To refocus on our major task as the people of God to proclaim the gospel to all creation.
Perhaps we have lost sight of or never even really carefully inspected and reflected upon the salvation which is being offered to us by the grace of God through His Son Christ Jesus. Peter tells us (1 Peter 1:10-12) that angels long to look into the glories of this gospel which is proclaimed to humanity. Have you ever wondered why angels who live in the presence of God and serve the Almighty would take an interest in the salvation which is being made available to human beings, creatures of dust who live “down there”?
The earth, my brother and sister, is where the action is, and you are right in the middle of it! People are dying without Christ, without life. People are listening to the lies of the world and choosing paths of destruction. We have the gospel, the message of life. Angels are watching. Heaven waits. What will we do?