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Signs the Sermon Went Well - Or Not

Writer's picture: Rick ZumpanoRick Zumpano

While in Athens, Paul had opportunity to proclaim the gospel in the middle of the prestigious Areopagus. When his sermon was over, Paul had immediate feedback on what he had preached. Some mocked at what he taught while others said they would like to hear more on the matter. A few joined Paul having believed the word.

Preachers appreciate getting feedback on their lessons. For the devoted minister, this isn’t about him but about his lessons and his hearers. Did they find the message truthful, encouraging, uplifting, challenging, edifying, boring, insightful, snore-worthy, etc.? We offer here some ways in which a preacher gets feedback on his lesson.

> More than the usual number fell asleep

> There were at least two “Amen’s!” during the lesson

> There were some puzzled looks in the audience

> Many were listening in rapt attention

> There were some tears in a few eyes

> There were smiles and looks of wonder on some faces

> A lot of heads were shaking “Yes”

> A lot of heads were shaking “No”

> More than the usual number “went fishin’” (blank stares)

> More than the usual number went to the restroom (they were bored)

> More than the usual number went to the restroom (the sermon was “hitting home”)

> Halfway through the sermon, one sister got out her songbook and turned to the closing song

> On the way out, nobody said anything (the sermon was boring OR it “stepped on some toes” OR it touched hearts)

Sometimes, it’s really hard to tell. Preachers really do appreciate honest feedback.


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